Course Catalog

Wilderness Survival 1

This course will cover primitive shelter construction, friction fire making, water procurement and purification, edible plants, tool making, cooking and the preserving of food and many other skills that will enable you to survive in the wilderness. Cost: $300 Prerequisites: None Length:4 days

Wilderness Survival 2

This course covers the more advanced skills of tracking, awareness, camouflage and stalking skills, advanced skills of hunting and trapping and other skills that will enable you with practice to thrive in any wilderness area of North America. Cost $400 Prerequisite: Wilderness Survival 1 Length: 5 days

Winter Survival Skills Workshop

The course covers the basic skills of how to insulate your clothing with natural materials, how to find pure water in winter, food procurement and preparation, fire making skills using natural and manmade methods and other skills that will enable you to survive in winter conditions. Cost $300 Prerequisite: None Length: 4 days. Please note this class covers the same skills that are covered in our Wilderness Survival 1 class but are geared for winter survival.

Earth Living 1

This class will introduce you to the art of long-term earth living skills. We will cover long-term shelters, bow and arrow making, brain tan buckskin, primitive watercraft, advanced fire making using the pump drill, pottery, basket making and other skills for long-term earth living. Cost: $400 Prerequisite: Wilderness Survival 2 Length: 5 days

Earth Living 2

This class covers the skills of the caretaker. We will show you how to develop the caretaker mindset, expert hunting and trapping skills, expert awareness skills and other very advanced skills. Cost: $400 Prerequisite: Earth Living 1 Length: 5 day

The Art of Homesteading

Course covers the skills of making maple syrup, log cabin building, seed saving, organic gardening and other related skills. Length 7 days Cost $650

Advanced Winter Survival Skills

Class covers advanced winter skills $300

Ways of Healing 1

This course will cover herbal mixtures, wound management using herbs, spiritual and physical methods for healing. Cost: $400 Prerequisite: None Length: 5 days

Ways of Healing 2

This class goes even deeper into the healing methods covered in Ways of Healing 1. Cost: $400 Prerequisite: Ways of Healing 1 Length: 5 days

Earth Philosophy 1-7

Contact us for details all classes are $300

Scout Tracking

This class covers tactical tracking methods used by the scouts. If you are looking for a class that covers how to track man, then this is the class for you. Prerequisite: none Cost: $250 Length: 3 days

Scout Awareness

This class covers how to read and understand concentric rings. Cost $250 no prerequisite Length: 3 days

Scout Skills 1

This course covers the skills of the native american scouts. You will learn the scout methods of camouflage, movement, Wilderness evasion, tracking and counter tracking methods of the scouts and many other skills. Cost: $300 Prerequisite: Any class or interview Length: 4 days

Scout Skills 2

This course will cover the scout water movement skills, advanced scout movement, body control, scout hand to hand skills and other advanced scout skills. Cost: $300 Prerequisite: Scout Raiding 1 Length: 4 days

Winter Scout Skills

Class covers the skills of the scout in the winter including covering your tracks in snow and winter camouflage $300

The Art of The Hunt

Class covers how to locate game, stalking, camouflage and hunting skills necessary for hunting $250